html5Mode in Angular and Clojure


Its probably a purely aesthetic thing, but I'm not a big fan of the default angularjs urls. I feel having the '#' in there hinders usability. A project's url structure is more discoverable when it is familiar to the user. This is where html5Mode can be handy. It will turn your urls from this

GET /home/#/dashboard

to this

GET /home/dashboard

This gets us the url structure we want, but these links are in fact not sharable. If your application is using html5Mode, the url that shows up in the browser can't be copy and pasted. Instead of bringing up the requested page it will throw a 404. This is because the server is not aware that angular is controlling all of the routes. To get sharable links with html5Mode the server needs to let angular handle the application routing.

In nginx this is done by using try_files like so

location / {
  root /path/to/files;
  try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

If nginx doesn't get a valid response from the actual url path, it will send the request to the index.html file, at which point angularjs will initialize and handle the url parameters. This is a handy trick that we can actually implement in our server-side code.

In compojure this is done by specifying a wildcard route like so

(defroutes app-routes
  (GET "/" [] (index-page))
  (GET "/api/repo/" [] (api/repo-info))
  (POST "/api/init/" request (api/new-repo (get-in request [:body :name])))
  (GET "*" [] (index-page))
  (route/resources "/")
  (route/not-found "Not Found"))

In compojure the asterisk stands for the wildcard route. It will match any route that has not yet been matched. When using wildcards it is important to put them after all of your defined routes like in the example above. If a route is defined after the wildcard it will never be run.

I really like how this clojure/angularjs html5mode setup separates the concerns of API routes and application routes. Angular takes care of all browser facing routes while clojure deals with API routes and database calls. All of this while maintaining our nice clean URI structure. Hashtags belong on twitter, not in urls!

I've put together a github repo with all of this stuff already setup. Check it out here